LIR-containing proteins with dsDNA-RT >> EXPORT DATA

S.No. Uniprot ID Start End LIR sequence PSSM Score    Pattern Description Species
2251Q80IU6 362 367 TVWLSV 11 WxxL Large envelope protein Hepatitis B virus genotype E (isolate Cote d'Ivoire/ABI-129/2003)
2252Q80IU6 377 382 SLYNIL 6 WxxL Large envelope protein Hepatitis B virus genotype E (isolate Cote d'Ivoire/ABI-129/2003)
2253Q80IU6 383 388 SPFIPL 8 WxxL Large envelope protein Hepatitis B virus genotype E (isolate Cote d'Ivoire/ABI-129/2003)
2254Q80IU6 390 395 PIFFCL 1 WxxL Large envelope protein Hepatitis B virus genotype E (isolate Cote d'Ivoire/ABI-129/2003)
2255Q99HR4 344 349 FSWLSL 18 xLIR Large envelope protein Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 (isolate Argentina/sa16/2000)
2256Q99HR4 208 213 SWWTSL 13 WxxL Large envelope protein Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 (isolate Argentina/sa16/2000)
2257Q99HR4 246 251 YRWMCL 8 WxxL Large envelope protein Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 (isolate Argentina/sa16/2000)
2258Q99HR4 255 260 IIFLFI 5 WxxL Large envelope protein Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 (isolate Argentina/sa16/2000)
2259Q99HR4 265 270 LIFLLV 4 WxxL Large envelope protein Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 (isolate Argentina/sa16/2000)
2260Q99HR4 342 347 ARFSWL 2 WxxL Large envelope protein Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 (isolate Argentina/sa16/2000)
2261Q99HR4 363 368 TVWLLV 11 WxxL Large envelope protein Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 (isolate Argentina/sa16/2000)
2262Q99HR4 384 389 SPFIPL 8 WxxL Large envelope protein Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 (isolate Argentina/sa16/2000)
2263Q99HR4 391 396 PIFCYL 1 WxxL Large envelope protein Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 (isolate Argentina/sa16/2000)
2264P30029 38 43 GKYPTI 6 WxxL Large envelope protein Duck hepatitis B virus (strain China)
2265P30029 165 170 GTFGGI 4 WxxL Large envelope protein Duck hepatitis B virus (strain China)
2266P30029 179 184 VSFFLL 5 WxxL Large envelope protein Duck hepatitis B virus (strain China)
2267P30029 194 199 LDWWWI 13 WxxL Large envelope protein Duck hepatitis B virus (strain China)
2268P30029 234 239 FLWTYL 13 WxxL Large envelope protein Duck hepatitis B virus (strain China)
2269P30029 243 248 IIFLLI 4 WxxL Large envelope protein Duck hepatitis B virus (strain China)
2270P30029 269 274 LQWASV 10 WxxL Large envelope protein Duck hepatitis B virus (strain China)
2271P30029 276 281 ALFSSI 4 WxxL Large envelope protein Duck hepatitis B virus (strain China)
2272P30029 295 300 LMFGLL 5 WxxL Large envelope protein Duck hepatitis B virus (strain China)
2273P06432 16 21 AWWPAV 7 WxxL Large envelope protein Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2)
2274P06432 61 66 NRYKQI 4 WxxL Large envelope protein Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2)
2275P06432 78 83 QKFSLV 4 WxxL Large envelope protein Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2)
2276P06432 179 184 DPFTTL 11 WxxL Large envelope protein Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2)
2277P06432 227 232 FLWTKI 14 WxxL Large envelope protein Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2)
2278P06432 279 284 FRWMYL 12 WxxL Large envelope protein Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2)
2279P06432 288 293 IIYLLV 4 WxxL Large envelope protein Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2)
2280P06432 298 303 LIFLLV 4 WxxL Large envelope protein Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2)
2281P06432 305 310 LDWKGL 16 WxxL Large envelope protein Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2)
2282P06432 375 380 LSWLNL 14 WxxL Large envelope protein Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2)
2283P06432 394 399 IAWFLL 9 WxxL Large envelope protein Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2)
2284P06432 415 420 PPFIPI 7 WxxL Large envelope protein Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2)
2285P06432 422 427 VLFFLI 1 WxxL Large envelope protein Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2)
2286Q89860 41 46 CLYMDI 2 WxxL External core antigen Duck hepatitis B virus (isolate Shanghai/DHBVQCA34)
2287Q89860 61 66 DFFPKI 4 WxxL External core antigen Duck hepatitis B virus (isolate Shanghai/DHBVQCA34)
2288Q89860 94 99 THFVDL 7 WxxL External core antigen Duck hepatitis B virus (isolate Shanghai/DHBVQCA34)
2289Q89860 173 178 KAYAKI 5 WxxL External core antigen Duck hepatitis B virus (isolate Shanghai/DHBVQCA34)
2290Q89860 192 197 WHYNCL 0 WxxL External core antigen Duck hepatitis B virus (isolate Shanghai/DHBVQCA34)
2291P03153 41 46 SSYQLL 12 xLIR External core antigen Ground squirrel hepatitis virus (strain 27)
2292P03153 8 13 LVFACV -1 WxxL External core antigen Ground squirrel hepatitis virus (strain 27)
2293P03153 52 57 DFFPDL 4 WxxL External core antigen Ground squirrel hepatitis virus (strain 27)
2294P03153 90 95 VCWEEL 13 WxxL External core antigen Ground squirrel hepatitis virus (strain 27)
2295P03153 129 134 TLWFHL 9 WxxL External core antigen Ground squirrel hepatitis virus (strain 27)
2296P0C692 51 56 DFFPSV 3 WxxL External core antigen Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw (isolate Japan/Nishioka/1983)
2297P0C692 89 94 LCWGEL 9 WxxL External core antigen Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw (isolate Japan/Nishioka/1983)
2298P0C692 129 134 LLWFHI 9 WxxL External core antigen Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw (isolate Japan/Nishioka/1983)
2299P17099 51 56 DFFPSV 3 WxxL External core antigen Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 (isolate Germany/991/1990)
2300P17099 89 94 LCWGEL 9 WxxL External core antigen Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 (isolate Germany/991/1990)

Copyright © Ioannis Nezis lab | University of Warwick