LIR-containing proteins with dsRNA >> EXPORT DATA

S.No. Uniprot ID Start End LIR sequence PSSM Score    Pattern Description Species
451Q91RA6 905 910 AAFQQL 6 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 1 (strain Lang)
452Q91RA6 979 984 ITWVPL 16 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 1 (strain Lang)
453Q91RA6 988 993 LRWTKL 13 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 1 (strain Lang)
454Q91RA6 1013 1018 YKYMPV 4 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 1 (strain Lang)
455Q91RA6 1148 1153 NPYYRL 3 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 1 (strain Lang)
456Q91RA6 1154 1159 MAFVRI 5 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 1 (strain Lang)
457Q91RA6 1259 1264 QDWDVL 22 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 1 (strain Lang)
458P11079 202 207 DTYEVL 16 xLIR Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
459P11079 569 574 GDYQFV 15 xLIR Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
460P11079 937 942 KGYLEI 12 xLIR Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
461P11079 41 46 EPWKPL 13 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
462P11079 58 63 QLFRPL 2 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
463P11079 93 98 LKYEVL 10 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
464P11079 127 132 QAFYDL 3 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
465P11079 348 353 ERYVQI 9 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
466P11079 365 370 TQYGYV 2 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
467P11079 424 429 PDYGNI 9 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
468P11079 492 497 HAYQAI 6 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
469P11079 622 627 PVWHYI 9 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
470P11079 636 641 TSYMLI 8 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
471P11079 669 674 GVYFFL 5 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
472P11079 679 684 YRYETL 8 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
473P11079 692 697 PSFGYV 4 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
474P11079 769 774 LRYLPL 7 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
475P11079 793 798 VLFENV 2 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
476P11079 865 870 TTFLEL 10 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
477P11079 905 910 AAFQQL 6 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
478P11079 979 984 ITWVPL 16 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
479P11079 988 993 LRWTRL 12 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
480P11079 1013 1018 YKYMPI 5 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
481P11079 1148 1153 NPYYRL 3 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
482P11079 1154 1159 MTFVRI 8 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
483P11079 1259 1264 QDWDVL 22 WxxL Outer capsid protein lambda-2 Reovirus type 3 (strain Dearing)
484Q85437 114 119 GSFVEL 12 xLIR Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
485Q85437 567 572 AGYVEI 13 xLIR Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
486Q85437 674 679 KTFTVL 11 xLIR Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
487Q85437 74 79 RTFRTI 9 WxxL Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
488Q85437 90 95 VVFVTV 5 WxxL Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
489Q85437 137 142 VSFAPL 5 WxxL Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
490Q85437 156 161 TVYSEL 5 WxxL Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
491Q85437 171 176 HWYATI 2 WxxL Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
492Q85437 215 220 YVWTCL 9 WxxL Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
493Q85437 240 245 GPFGLI 3 WxxL Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
494Q85437 300 305 NGWTIL 17 WxxL Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
495Q85437 375 380 AYFEWL 4 WxxL Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
496Q85437 583 588 DVYNGV 4 WxxL Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
497Q85437 594 599 STYNDL 9 WxxL Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
498Q85437 627 632 KCFTTL 7 WxxL Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
499Q85437 645 650 YRFRGI 0 WxxL Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)
500Q85437 726 731 MKYMAV 4 WxxL Putative mRNA-capping enzyme P5 Rice dwarf virus (isolate Fujian)

Copyright © Ioannis Nezis lab | University of Warwick