LIR-containing proteins with ssRNA_neg >> EXPORT DATA

S.No. Uniprot ID Start End LIR sequence PSSM Score    Pattern Description Species
1551Q8B120 151 156 LHFNVL 4 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Parana mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/Paraguay/12056/1965)
1552Q8B120 231 236 THYNYL 3 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Parana mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/Paraguay/12056/1965)
1553Q8B120 262 267 VAYSSV 3 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Parana mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/Paraguay/12056/1965)
1554Q8B120 294 299 EQWALV 12 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Parana mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/Paraguay/12056/1965)
1555Q8B120 380 385 TKFWYV 1 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Parana mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/Paraguay/12056/1965)
1556Q8B120 446 451 ICFWSL 0 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Parana mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/Paraguay/12056/1965)
1557Q8B120 457 462 SVFLQL 6 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Parana mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/Paraguay/12056/1965)
1558Q8B120 490 495 CGYYNI 3 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Parana mammarenavirus (isolate Rat/Paraguay/12056/1965)
1559Q85429 781 786 SSFEAV 11 xLIR Putative envelope glycoprotein Rice stripe virus (isolate T)
1560Q85429 7 12 FIYTTI 9 WxxL Putative envelope glycoprotein Rice stripe virus (isolate T)
1561Q85429 140 145 ISYSNL 5 WxxL Putative envelope glycoprotein Rice stripe virus (isolate T)
1562Q85429 147 152 TGFLGI 7 WxxL Putative envelope glycoprotein Rice stripe virus (isolate T)
1563Q85429 265 270 SLYSII 7 WxxL Putative envelope glycoprotein Rice stripe virus (isolate T)
1564Q85429 271 276 LFFVIV 5 WxxL Putative envelope glycoprotein Rice stripe virus (isolate T)
1565Q85429 277 282 IVFTLI 4 WxxL Putative envelope glycoprotein Rice stripe virus (isolate T)
1566Q85429 293 298 PAFWLL 3 WxxL Putative envelope glycoprotein Rice stripe virus (isolate T)
1567Q85429 301 306 VLYSMV 4 WxxL Putative envelope glycoprotein Rice stripe virus (isolate T)
1568Q85429 428 433 IRFNSV 1 WxxL Putative envelope glycoprotein Rice stripe virus (isolate T)
1569Q85429 446 451 NSFKRV 5 WxxL Putative envelope glycoprotein Rice stripe virus (isolate T)
1570Q85429 500 505 YNWKRI 11 WxxL Putative envelope glycoprotein Rice stripe virus (isolate T)
1571Q85429 523 528 TKFEIV 8 WxxL Putative envelope glycoprotein Rice stripe virus (isolate T)
1572Q85429 738 743 TTYYSV 6 WxxL Putative envelope glycoprotein Rice stripe virus (isolate T)
1573Q85429 791 796 TNWMEL 14 WxxL Putative envelope glycoprotein Rice stripe virus (isolate T)
1574P31840 47 52 MVFLVL 5 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Tacaribe virus (strain TRVL 11598)
1575P31840 68 73 TQFQEV 7 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Tacaribe virus (strain TRVL 11598)
1576P31840 230 235 NTFRFL 7 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Tacaribe virus (strain TRVL 11598)
1577P31840 271 276 EKWMLV 13 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Tacaribe virus (strain TRVL 11598)
1578P31840 357 362 TRFWYV 0 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Tacaribe virus (strain TRVL 11598)
1579P31840 424 429 CFWSTV 7 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Tacaribe virus (strain TRVL 11598)
1580P31840 434 439 TLFLHL 5 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Tacaribe virus (strain TRVL 11598)
1581P31840 468 473 GKYLPL 9 WxxL Pre-glycoprotein polyprotein GP complex Tacaribe virus (strain TRVL 11598)
1582P41266 503 508 FGWVLI 19 xLIR Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1583P41266 969 974 LSFQDL 9 xLIR Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1584P41266 192 197 ICFNPI 1 WxxL Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1585P41266 217 222 RCFLVI 8 WxxL Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1586P41266 235 240 KNFETL 11 WxxL Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1587P41266 253 258 GYYICL 5 WxxL Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1588P41266 371 376 TGFISL 9 WxxL Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1589P41266 387 392 TVFCTL 2 WxxL Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1590P41266 464 469 YTFTSI 8 WxxL Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1591P41266 501 506 FCFGWV -1 WxxL Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1592P41266 520 525 IAFAYL 1 WxxL Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1593P41266 533 538 SKFRIL 7 WxxL Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1594P41266 623 628 GCYRTL 5 WxxL Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1595P41266 636 641 RFFVGL 5 WxxL Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1596P41266 802 807 KVFKIV 4 WxxL Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1597P41266 996 1001 VGFNLV 4 WxxL Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1598P41266 1113 1118 GNWMVV 14 WxxL Envelopment polyprotein Puumala virus (strain P360)
1599Q89669 147 152 RTFITL 12 xLIR Glycoprotein Adelaide River virus
1600Q89669 650 655 GTYEEL 13 xLIR Glycoprotein Adelaide River virus

Copyright © Ioannis Nezis lab | University of Warwick