LIR-containing proteins in Rattus norvegicus>> EXPORT DATA

S.No.Uniprot IDStartEndLIR Sequence PSSM Score    Similar LIR MotifsProtein Description Molecular FunctionBiological ProcessCellular Component
101D3Z9C7 2821 2826 PTFQAV 9 Protein piccolo (Fragment) synapse
102D3Z9C8 616 621 KMFQDL 10 Protein Mphosph9 (Fragment) nucleus
103D3Z9C8 623 628 GEYESL 13 Protein Mphosph9 (Fragment) nucleus
104D3Z9D0 266 271 SSWISV 17 Protein RGD1306271
105D3Z9D2 1251 1256 AVFDII 8 FYCO1_HUMAN(1278-1283) AVFDII(6) FYVE and coiled-coil domain containing 1 (Predicted)
106D3Z9E1 282 287 PGYTSL 11 Elastin microfibril interfacer 1 (Predicted), isoform CRA_b
107D3Z9H1 14 19 LVFLTL 6 Protein Cbln3 synapse
108D3Z9H7 245 250 DSWLLL 20 Nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 4 cellular respiration
transcription factor complex
109D3Z9I0 531 536 PSYQPL 11 Protein Tmem145
110D3Z9J4 2357 2362 EDWITV 22 Protein LOC691920 lipid binding
111D3Z9J4 3757 3762 EDFQKL 15 Protein LOC691920 lipid binding
112D3Z9J7 351 356 DDFVLV 17 ATG13_HUMAN(442-447) DDFVMI(4);

Q8MQJ7_DROME(389-394) DDFVLV(6);

ULK1_HUMAN(355-360) DDFVMV(5);

Protein Ulk2
113D3Z9N6 1011 1016 LDYTDL 14 Versican core protein (Fragment) carbohydrate binding
cell adhesion
114D3Z9N6 1040 1045 SVFTAI 7 Versican core protein (Fragment) carbohydrate binding
cell adhesion
115D3Z9T4 558 563 SVYTEI 9 Protein Siglec5
116D3Z9U7 1047 1052 PDFELL 15 Protein Zc3h4
117D3Z9Y2 586 591 GVFQKL 6 Protein unc-13 homolog B
118D3ZA12 1811 1816 SGFVDL 12 Chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 6
119D3ZA28 107 112 RGYTAL 12 Protein RGD1310727
120D3ZA45 404 409 DDFVMI 20 ATG13_HUMAN(442-447) DDFVMI(6);

OPTN_HUMAN(176-181) DSFVEI(4);

Q8MQJ7_DROME(389-394) DDFVLV(4);

Protein Atg13
121D3ZA47 323 328 PEYLAI 12 Protein RGD1305422 Golgi apparatus
122D3ZA53 369 374 LSYVLV 10 Protein Pnmal1
123D3ZA78 322 327 STYVPI 13 Protein Tpx2 nucleus
124D3ZA84 396 401 AGYIDI 11 Protein Tln2 cell adhesion
125D3ZAA1 305 310 GDFIVV 14 Protein RGD1563583 (Fragment) centrosome
126D3ZAC7 106 111 ETFVPV 11 Protein RGD1561841 translation
127D3ZAF7 126 131 EEWELL 20 STBD1_HUMAN(201-206) EEWEMV(4);

Protein Tbc1d2b
128D3ZAG1 85 90 DVFDAL 10 Protein Efcab4b Golgi apparatus
129D3ZAL7 160 165 PSYQLI 11 Protein Gab1 signal transducer activity
130D3ZAL7 539 544 SEWEEL 21 Atg19_YEAST(410-415) LTWEEL(4);


Protein Gab1 signal transducer activity
131D3ZAN8 437 442 DTYDIV 15 Protein LOC100910807 nucleic acid binding
132D3ZAQ6 167 172 KSYLAV 10 Protein Nol7 mitochondrion
133D3ZAS9 212 217 EEYLKL 13 Protein Ddrgk1 endoplasmic reticulum
134D3ZAT7 462 467 ETFTDV 10 Protein Fam83f
135D3ZAU7 542 547 KEWVII 20 Protein Ttbk1 nucleus
136D3ZAU7 920 925 RTFVHI 12 Protein Ttbk1 nucleus
137D3ZAW6 21 26 AVFVLL 7 Protein Tfe3 nucleus
138D3ZB44 235 240 RTFQSI 11 Protein Zfp324 nucleic acid binding
139D3ZB65 126 131 FGFISL 11 CBL_HUMAN(800-805) FGWLSL(4) BRCA2 and CDKN1A-interacting protein cell cycle
DNA repair
140D3ZB99 1145 1150 EVYEKV 8 Protein Nek1 nucleolus
141D3ZBF6 195 200 AEYDVV 13 ATG1_YEAST(427-432) REYVVV(4) Protein Tchhl1
142D3ZBI5 118 123 PGYELL 12 Protein Fmn1
143D3ZBJ3 826 831 AMFDPL 11 Protein Gapvd1 intracellular
144D3ZBP2 39 44 PVYEAV 7 Protein Sin3a chromatin binding
protein binding
DNA replication
protein complex
transcription factor complex
transcriptional repressor complex
145D3ZBS9 5 10 AGFQSV 9 Protein Smarcd1
146D3ZBT6 48 53 DGFVPL 14 Protein Trpt1
147D3ZBV9 449 454 KSFQPI 10 Protein Yeats2
148D3ZBX9 199 204 PEFEEV 12 Protein Ccdc92
149D3ZBY5 635 640 ADFLTV 14 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 10 (Predicted)
150D3ZC56 1961 1966 LSYLMV 11 Protein Dst (Fragment) cytoskeleton